[James]: Bridge at dusk
[James]: Dusk
[James]: Water flows
[James]: Kampung Mukut
[James]: Vertigo
[James]: Stormy weather
[James]: Peace
[James]: Double surprise
[James]: The wooden pier
[James]: Another resort
[James]: The Library
[James]: Sleeping rocks
[James]: Looking weary
[James]: Misty stream
[James]: Shrouded twin peaks
[James]: Fuji Neopan 400. Little over exposed at f1.4.
[James]: Owner of a saliva inducing OM4Ti
[James]: Starry starry night
[James]: 12403459
[James]: A wonderful lens, the 90mm f2.
[James]: Panasonic GF1 with OM 28mm, f2.8 lens.
[James]: "Now where'd I put my biscuit?"
[James]: Suntec
[James]: Broken window
[James]: Take that!!!
[James]: Twiddling the focus....
[James]: Being snapped
[James]: Me and my Olympus
[James]: Tangy night
[James]: Olympus G.Zuiko 50mm, f1.4