KaDeGe 59: Solitaire
cowgirlrightup: Feeling starstruck, literally.
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *Lake Gerold on a rainy October morning*
gseloff: Punch Bowl
cowgirlrightup: Bald Eagle In Autumn Aspen
ursulamller900: Mushroom Magic 2024 #7
Jeff Mitton: Home Sweet Home
cowgirlrightup: Final Flight
Michigan Nut: Presque Isle River
Bill Bowman: “Now This is Colorado”*
degan64: Niagara
S Collins 2011: i revisited
hazza3d: The high points
romangorielov: Ice Breath
gseloff: King Of The Hill
gseloff: Star Attraction
gseloff: This Just In (Osprey)
Paul McGoveran: Belted Kingfishers(F) (M) 7776
cowgirlrightup: "The Dance"
gseloff: Changeling (Little Blue Heron)
Ramen Saha: Tangled Falls
Ramen Saha: The Frabjous
gseloff: Shy Fly (Mourning Dove)
Doug Santo: Thunder
ursulamller900: X is for Vote
Bill Bowman: High Voltage
gseloff: Red, White, And Blue (White-winged Dove)