that guy named Rob: She Wants To Be Grounded But He Wants To Fly. Each Loves The Other While The Other Wonders Why.
that guy named Rob: Despite All My Age, I Am Still Just A Slat In A Stage
that guy named Rob: She Certainly Is A Character, But She Hasn't Got A Plot, Except For This Place Which She Claims To Be Her Spot
that guy named Rob: The Day Breaks
that guy named Rob: One Of The Telltale Tells Of The Tall Tale Tellers
that guy named Rob: When Too Makes Two
that guy named Rob: Of Love And Lust And A Loss Of Trust
that guy named Rob: He Thought It Was Time For A Late Night Snack, But That's Precisely When Cupboards Attack
that guy named Rob: To Be Seen, To Be Found
that guy named Rob: Her Parents Named Her Tiffany But They Always Called Her Tiff. She Sought For An Epiphany But She Only Found An If.
that guy named Rob: She Knew She Had To Move Out Of The Great Plains, Because They're Not So Great, And She's Not So Plain
that guy named Rob: The Lack Of A Loss Of Applesauce
that guy named Rob: Three On The Fifth
that guy named Rob: She Wondered How Long To Keep Waiting Before She Should Start Dating
that guy named Rob: When Stolen Kisses Lead To Near Misses, He Hears Her Heart But It Only Hisses
that guy named Rob: She Was The Kite In His Electrical Storm
that guy named Rob: She Was The One He Wouldn't Choose, And Now She's Got The Stalker Blues.
that guy named Rob: She'll Never Understand Why He Never Calls
that guy named Rob: Listen Kid, There Was A Time When Your Low Tech Was My High Tech
that guy named Rob: Big Blue Eyes. Small Windows. She's A Prize. No One Knows.
that guy named Rob: He Knows She Knows
that guy named Rob: Only You Can Prevent Chorussed Liars
that guy named Rob: The Great Debater
that guy named Rob: Feeling Better With A Letter From A Lover Rediscovered
that guy named Rob: The Whether
that guy named Rob: It's All Fun And Games Until Somebody Becomes Radioactive
that guy named Rob: This Is What Happens When A Satanic Couple Gets A Divorce
that guy named Rob: And As He Climbed Out The Window, He Thought About How He'd Always Known It Would End This Way
that guy named Rob: Rope A Dopamine