that guy named Rob: Obscurity Dines Behind Nineteen Lines
that guy named Rob: The Bigger Faster Longer Laster Tried To Catch But Only Passed Her
that guy named Rob: A Rose By Any Other Name Would Still Not Be Boston
that guy named Rob: Presumably, Intentionally
that guy named Rob: Her Parents Named Her Tiffany But They Always Called Her Tiff. She Sought For An Epiphany But She Only Found An If.
that guy named Rob: She Knew She Had To Move Out Of The Great Plains, Because They're Not So Great, And She's Not So Plain
that guy named Rob: The Heart Of The Head Is A Rusty Old Machine That Runs On Lies And Dopamine
that guy named Rob: He Left To Find Some Inner Peace But Came Back Home With A Can Of Peas. And Though His Failure Felt Titanic, At Least He Knew They Were Organic.
that guy named Rob: Of Distance And Darkness
that guy named Rob: It All Comes Out In The Wash
that guy named Rob: When Too Makes Two
that guy named Rob: Post-Acropolis, Pre-Apocalypse
that guy named Rob: What You Give And What You Get. What You Want And What You Let Get In The Way.
that guy named Rob: The Heart Of The Matter Is The Matter Of Fact
that guy named Rob: Believe In Me Believing In You And The Hardest Of Times Will Be A Cinch To Get Through
that guy named Rob: Curiosity Skilled The Gnat
that guy named Rob: Autumnalism
that guy named Rob: Of Love And Lust And A Loss Of Trust
that guy named Rob: This Hurts My Eyes But It Pleases My Heart. I Guess That's A Good Enough Place To Start.
that guy named Rob: The Size Of His Heart Was Not Confined By The Width Of His Chest
that guy named Rob: A Slinky Dressed As A Mime Disguised As A Clown Being Pushed Down An Escalator
that guy named Rob: What They Own
that guy named Rob: Likin' Lichen
that guy named Rob: Caught In A Trap And I Can't Walk Out 'Cause I Love You Too Much, Baby.
that guy named Rob: Never Again Will Jim Overemphasize The Need To Think Outside The Box
that guy named Rob: Absinthe Maykth The Heart Grow Wronger
that guy named Rob: Because Nobody Says What Nobody Sees