joeriksson: Montmarte, Paris 2013
Karthi KN Raveendiran: Love is everywhere
Karthi KN Raveendiran: a man collecting the shells using his netted vessel (valai)
ina♥dabi: DSC_9182-1
noamgalai: Kassidy Fischer
Andrew Greening: test shoot
Stefan Witte: Falling Asleep
jackn888: Leaf like there's no tomorrow
John A.Hemmingsen: Aurora in Ersfjordbotn
jackn888: I have been kneeling and praying to hear a sound
mickiky: Forget her
mickiky: Plaisirs d'hiver "And Here Is Today's Weather Forecast: Sunny, Misty And An Occasional Poldermill"
Andrew Greening: Street Portrait: Holland Leiden
Philippe Marquand Photography: Panorama du synclinal de Saoû et de Roche Colombe - Drôme - France
nic0: Blue hat
kaoni701: Watching the Rain Fall
SemiCharmedLife (☯): “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” ― Anne Frank
Csheemoney: The Cook
ewitsoe: layers
Romulo fotos: En vuelo