jaisril: If there be wind, then there be Windsong
jaisril: Blue hour sailing
jaisril: The schooner Sir Isaac on a sunset sail
jaisril: Sir Isaac in a pool of pink sunset on Port Townsend Bay
jaisril: Takes your breath away
jaisril: Another day, another schooner...
jaisril: Schooner with heeling sloop
jaisril: Fog as a line of demarkation on the Olympic Peninsula
jaisril: Line of fog, line of water
jaisril: Dropping sail
jaisril: Alpenglow on mountains made by man vs. nature
jaisril: Red tug below Big Bear
jaisril: Ferry with Jumbo, Three Fingers, and Big Bear
jaisril: I got your drift! (in Explore, 3/31/19)
jaisril: Borealis on the Bay
jaisril: Glacier Peak with ferry and sailboat
jaisril: Here come the waves
jaisril: Submarine at Indian Island
jaisril: Snow in the lowlands
jaisril: Alone with the forces of nature
jaisril: Alone with the forces of nature
jaisril: Shipwrights' Regatta
jaisril: A ketch in the Shipwrights' Regatta
jaisril: Heeling in a stiff breeze
jaisril: So graceful a curve
jaisril: Twisting in the wind...
jaisril: Windsong with a Thunderbird and a cutter
jaisril: If I had wings...
jaisril: I dream of sailing the seven seas
jaisril: Ketch with tanbark sails named Windsong at the Shipwrights' Regatta