jaisril: Keystone Ferry with alpenglow on Sloan and The Monte Cristo Range
jaisril: Keystone Ferry with Cascade alpenglow
jaisril: Sailing with the ghost of Mt Rainier
jaisril: Golden kayak off Marrowstone Island
jaisril: Sailing fast!!
jaisril: Sailing through sparkles
jaisril: Sailing through diamonds
jaisril: Twin 505's on a sunny day in January
jaisril: Flying through stars & stripes
jaisril: Hoisting the spinnaker
jaisril: Ballooning spinnaker
jaisril: Linearity amidst lines
jaisril: Schooner sailing past a Victorian seaport town
jaisril: Rainier's ghost and double lenticular cloud
jaisril: Sailing with a view on New Year's eve
jaisril: The heart of the Cascades and the Keystone Ferry on New Year's eve
jaisril: New Year's eve ferry from Whidbey Island
jaisril: Red tug with Baker and Shuksan
jaisril: Come out with your spinnakers blazing!
jaisril: Spinnakers up after rounding the mark
jaisril: Seven Racing Thunderbirds
jaisril: Racing birds
jaisril: It's the tanbark gaff-rigged sloop again!
jaisril: Gaff-rigged sloop with tanbark sails
jaisril: Gaff-rigged sloop on Port Townsend Bay
jaisril: Done for the day
jaisril: Sloop reflections on Port Townsend Bay
jaisril: Tug with logs on Port Townsend Bay (in Explore, 041519)
jaisril: Tug with logs on Port Townsend Bay
jaisril: Historic schooner Martha on Port Townsend Bay