jaggeree: beyonce-single-ladies-put-a-ring-on-it
jaggeree: Piper piping and haggis
jaggeree: Piper piping and haggis
jaggeree: 7813788880_04d3718e21_b
jaggeree: Happy New Year. Nice day out there.
jaggeree: This is My Ham
jaggeree: Torch that projects images from space
jaggeree: Going to have fun. Thanks @bexfishman
jaggeree: It begins. Happy Christmas everyone.
jaggeree: It begins. Happy Christmas everyone.
jaggeree: Christmas party highlights
jaggeree: Christmas party highlights
jaggeree: Gridding
jaggeree: This time in Heritage Railway. Whoop.
jaggeree: Deep in the middle Sam is playing Joseph. At the back I am photographing wrestling an unruly toddler and tears. Proud.
jaggeree: Uh oh. This happened.
jaggeree: Long office focal stack
jaggeree: Near
jaggeree: Far
jaggeree: Office (C, 1, 1)
jaggeree: 50mm f22 for comparison