Jae's pics~: letters make words...
Jae's pics~: vintage NYC*
Jae's pics~: Leap Frogging in NYC!
Jae's pics~: candlelight always adds to the mood~
Jae's pics~: A cold night in NYC...
Jae's pics~: Polaroids are definitely not dead, yet...
Jae's pics~: Happy Birthday My Wife!!!
Jae's pics~: All I need is one mic...
Jae's pics~: Noah Xavier Calagui
Jae's pics~: Cerrado
Jae's pics~: Balcony framed*
Jae's pics~: Shall we dance?
Jae's pics~: Butterfly
Jae's pics~: "Sometimes I feel like...."
Jae's pics~: "Excuse me, can I touch your bones?"
Jae's pics~: Free Advice : Donations are Appreciated*
Jae's pics~: Squirrels of NYC..... *Aint NEVA scared!*
Jae's pics~: "Can I feed my bird in peace?!?!"
Jae's pics~: Baby Emily*
Jae's pics~: eyes wide open.... looking forward to her wonderful future*
Jae's pics~: Lil Ms. Maya
Jae's pics~: mother and daughter
Jae's pics~: *ready to Trick or Treat!*
Jae's pics~: canon... The Darkside...
Jae's pics~: Noah Vader, future photog...
Jae's pics~: Elmo Maya
Jae's pics~: Elmo Maya
Jae's pics~: Midnight stroll.
Jae's pics~: Boooo to Pinkberry!