jadensmommy: DSC_1027
jadensmommy: DSC_1026
jadensmommy: DSC_1025
jadensmommy: Jaden's version of "Thriller"
jadensmommy: Joey, in a maze
jadensmommy: When Hairy met Dog who Run's away
jadensmommy: Tea Cups
jadensmommy: Yes, he does this on a daily basis.
jadensmommy: Three Stooges
jadensmommy: My man, Joey
jadensmommy: Crooked House
jadensmommy: Joey Swinger
jadensmommy: tub time
jadensmommy: feets
jadensmommy: Run Jaden, Run.
jadensmommy: Red is his favorite color. Can you tell?
jadensmommy: Whoa!
jadensmommy: Explore
jadensmommy: Joey, the Frog Whisperer
jadensmommy: JUMPER!
jadensmommy: Froggy went a'courtin!
jadensmommy: The Frog is on the side of the rock
jadensmommy: My daughter loves to write H's and O's all day long
jadensmommy: This is what happens when I go to work
jadensmommy: My husband is such a dweeb.
jadensmommy: Miss Lilly ate pizza
jadensmommy: I just like the bee on the side
jadensmommy: Clematis
jadensmommy: bee!