Pierre à Vancouver(don't fave without comment): Fake News "no global warming" (¿+?)
Gila Mosaics n'stuff: Find Your Own Path . . . .
SplintersAndShards: At Sally's Bistro
Rana Pipiens: Natural Encounters. Polistes olivaceus, Yellow Oriental Paper Wasp, and Alofaaga Lava Blowholes, Taga, Savai'i, Samoa
Wire_cat: These Boots Are Made For Walking...
antonychammond: A Tulip Can Be On Its Own But It Doesn't Diminish Its Beauty!
swt snookie: Coming Up To Say Hi!
SplintersAndShards: Study - Seated Man
wentloog: Lighthouse Storm
paho47: Forced to stay indoors ...
bazylek100: Nie ma co płakać nad rozlanym mlekiem!
floyfreestyle: Valentine Necklace pendant
Rana Pipiens: Coat of Many Colors. Crimson-Speckled Footman, Utetheisa pulchella, on Euphorbia hirta, Hairy Spurge, Kerandangan, Lombok, Indonesia
BerColly: L'Allier Sauvage
Christine Brallier: Beyond Space and Time
FotoGrazio: Sipping Yellow Daisies
FotoGrazio: Sicilian Fishermen tending their nets (1982)
Daniel Schwabe: Bombo quarry