Jack Holloway: Early Autumn
Jack Holloway: Freddy's dam panorama
Jack Holloway: Please visit my blog
Jack Holloway: Zinnias and Rudbeckias glow in the evening light
Jack Holloway: masthead
Jack Holloway: Winter from the opposite end
Jack Holloway: Winter sunrise
Jack Holloway: Nostalgia for seasons past
Jack Holloway: Winter textures
Jack Holloway: Frosted meadow
Jack Holloway: At Long Barn one can still sense the spirit of the Nicholsons
Jack Holloway: Long Barn, looking towards the terrace
Jack Holloway: Long Barn from the beds planned with Lutyens
Jack Holloway: A newer feature extended from one in Vita's day and no doubt influenced by the Yew Walk
Jack Holloway: The White Garden at Long Barn is a modern development and tribute
Jack Holloway: Long Barn today: an immaculate garden in its own right before any historical associations
Jack Holloway: Wakehurst stone urn
Jack Holloway: The aloe garden frosted
Jack Holloway: Sissinghurst Rose Garden
Jack Holloway: Great Dixter meadow grass
Jack Holloway: Backlit
Jack Holloway: The aloe garden
Jack Holloway: Jack in the Rondel
Jack Holloway: Rose Garden towards Lime Walk
Jack Holloway: Lone Tree in a Namibian landscape
Jack Holloway: The Liquodamber avenue in winter
Jack Holloway: Traceries
Jack Holloway: Winter clarity
Jack Holloway: Aloes in seed - November
Jack Holloway: Aloes & Kniphofias