Jack Shit: Remote Demolitions Special Unit, And Masters of Disguise
Jack Shit: "Duce, Show Me Your War Face!"
Jack Shit: Demonstrating Improvised Field Camouflage
Jack Shit: Kevin Pilots A .44 Magnum
Jack Shit: The Meeting Place
Jack Shit: Mother and Dogchild
Jack Shit: Mutual Feelings
Jack Shit: Wag Wag Wag Wag
Jack Shit: Ciao, Duce. Ciao, Daddy.
Jack Shit: Mama and Duce at Senor Fish
Jack Shit: Lord, Praise Astroturf
Jack Shit: Occiduce
Jack Shit: Surrender
Jack Shit: What A Pretty Baby
Jack Shit: Bedroom/Toy Box
Jack Shit: ...Dogs of War
Jack Shit: Be Still, My...
Jack Shit: Coolin
Jack Shit: Playdate
Jack Shit: The Hellspawn
Jack Shit: Sconzilli Heads
Jack Shit: Raaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwrrr!!!
Jack Shit: The Doglair
Jack Shit: Bullnfur
Jack Shit: A Great Void
Jack Shit: I Mean It
Jack Shit: Better Bed
Jack Shit: Griffith
Jack Shit: Imminent Mouthlunge
Jack Shit: Unefeated