Jack O'Donate:
Into a deep slumber.
Jack O'Donate:
The little blue one. #3
Jack O'Donate:
Tiny fungi. #20 : Slime mold
Jack O'Donate:
Tomocerus sp.
Jack O'Donate:
Un lézard en hiver... / A lizard in winter...
Jack O'Donate:
The little blue one. #2
Jack O'Donate:
Coléoptère en hibernation. / Beetle in hibernation.
Jack O'Donate:
La traversée du désert. / The crossing of the desert.
Jack O'Donate:
Attention à la clôture ! / Watch the fence !
Jack O'Donate:
Lepidocyrtus sp.
Jack O'Donate:
Jack O'Donate:
Dicyrtomina ornata.
Jack O'Donate:
De beaux reflets nacrés. / Beautiful pearlescent reflections.
Jack O'Donate:
The little blue one. #1
Jack O'Donate:
Ascenceur social. / Social Lift.
Jack O'Donate:
Jardin suspendu. / Hanging garden.
Jack O'Donate:
Dicyrtomina ornata
Jack O'Donate:
Un nid pour l'hiver. #2 / A nest for the winter. #2
Jack O'Donate:
Walking on the wooded pathway.
Jack O'Donate:
Sur une autre planète... / On another planet....
Jack O'Donate:
Je boude... / I’m sulking...
Jack O'Donate:
Des reflets métalliques. / Metallic sheen.
Jack O'Donate:
Jack O'Donate:
Escalade sur un champignon. / Climbing on a mushroom.
Jack O'Donate:
Tiny fungi. #19 : spores.
Jack O'Donate:
Se mettre à couvert. / Taking cover.
Jack O'Donate:
Un nid pour l'hiver. #1 / A nest for the winter. #1
Jack O'Donate:
Ces yeux sont le miroir de la forêt... / These eyes are the mirror of the forest...
Jack O'Donate:
Je marche sur l'eau. #3 / I walk on water. #3 : Le ballet aquatique. / The aquatic ballet.
Jack O'Donate:
Paréidolie : papillon d'hiver. / Pareoidolia : winter butterfly.