jaciii (off&on): The old fence post's top_1874
jaciii (off&on): What do you do when it is too cold outside?_039
jaciii (off&on): Sweet Dreams!_2064
jaciii (off&on): Are these weeds fabulous at sunset?_1978
jaciii (off&on): Tallow tree sunset_2056
jaciii (off&on): Pearls at Sunrise_133
jaciii (off&on): ALL Year 2008 with Wisdom and Blessings much to all Flickrites, especially those in your and our lives_216
jaciii (off&on): Trinity's Not Alone_316
jaciii (off&on): Louisiana Crawfish Field_0128
jaciii (off&on): Great Sky Painters just do it_Explore_417
jaciii (off&on): Mommy, call the Fire Department!_174
jaciii (off&on): Does your Valentine need new beginnings with you?_1143
jaciii (off&on): Been looking for Bonnie all over; is that you, LADY?_0537
jaciii (off&on): Flaring Better ALL need due to 2008's dumping too many_1948
jaciii (off&on): 2009: Another Year Is YOUR opportunity to work towards PERFECTION; if like me, it will take lots of work; but achievement is so much better than winning lottery_0037