jaciii (off&on): All need support. Thanks for YOURS!_7052
jaciii (off&on): Welcome, Mr. President_3648
jaciii (off&on): Last full day on duty, for our Commander in Chief_3805
jaciii (off&on): Thou shall not judge HISTORY's decisioner, George W. Bush_3686
jaciii (off&on): Is forgiveness healing?_2969
jaciii (off&on): If we do not want to walk in darkness, where must we turn?_2972
jaciii (off&on): On seeing an Ugly American, do you want to kill?_7329
jaciii (off&on): not BLOOD YELLOW again?__014
jaciii (off&on): Nuray and jaciii_Explore_2051
jaciii (off&on): Looking good for you, right?_0643
jaciii (off&on): 2009: Another Year Is YOUR opportunity to work towards PERFECTION; if like me, it will take lots of work; but achievement is so much better than winning lottery_0037
jaciii (off&on): Flaring Better ALL need due to 2008's dumping too many_1948
jaciii (off&on): Grass is never really greener on fence's other side; blessed already YOU are, right?048
jaciii (off&on): 1 to 25th: What is the ONLY reason for this season?_7203
jaciii (off&on): 2 to 25th: jaciii so appreciates YOU_Explore_6918
jaciii (off&on): 3 to 25th: With holes in your stockings, hung your biggest shoe or boot to be filled much, right?
jaciii (off&on): 4 to 25th: Unless your soul is reflecting others' many beauties you receive, lets take a quick pre-Holidays bath so SHARE OURSELVES well we will, right? _7137
jaciii (off&on): 5 to 25th: Can your golden box hold all goodnesses you share with others until 20091231, even if you think you act without God, who so mercifully loves you any way, right?_Explore_6914
jaciii (off&on): 6 to 25th: You are accumulating golden conduct, thoughts, and prayers to give away during holidays and all 2009, right?_Explore__6904
jaciii (off&on): 7 to 25th: how often daily do you ring your "I inside am ready" bell?_Explore_6660
jaciii (off&on): 8 days before 25th: from many parts, one body, right?_Explore_6171
jaciii (off&on): 10 days before 25th: Will your soul be ready for all?_Explore_6361
jaciii (off&on): Clean out the soul's closet so ready for CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR, each we will be, right?_Explore_5633
jaciii (off&on): All is just so pinky this fine Friday, right?_Explore_5553
jaciii (off&on): Silver arches' fast food menu; what are YOU daily snacking on?_Explore_5158
jaciii (off&on): Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?_Explore5098
jaciii (off&on): Deciding not to jump off Flickr Planet, I want to stay and mature with all of you; coffin time comes soon enough, when God is ready!_Explore_4773
jaciii (off&on): Walking the line; how well do you?_Explore_4774
jaciii (off&on): Do you do "Leaf Art" too?_4717
jaciii (off&on): Did you enjoy reading ex--good-star-angel Lucifer's Best Seller "Spend Eternity Where There is no air conditioning, stupid"?_5057