jabru: Breakfast Buffet scenery
jabru: B-fast at the hotel in Unteraegeri
jabru: Our room. Nice!
jabru: Urs and Carr Lane
jabru: writing desk in our room
jabru: View from our room
jabru: Bwushing teef
jabru: Giant frog!
jabru: Face sign
jabru: Swiss patriotism
jabru: Unteraegeri field
jabru: Todd and his crayayayayzay camera!
jabru: Todd macht photos
jabru: The old shed and us
jabru: The shed
jabru: Self service "farm shop"
jabru: Hoflaedeli Selbstbedienung
jabru: KINDER!
jabru: Love these Wanderweg signs everywhere in Switzerland
jabru: Todd's field
jabru: If you're ever unsure of where the trail is, just look for the yellow signs.
jabru: It's just a little green there...
jabru: Typical Swiss countryside
jabru: Walk/Bike trails near Unteraegeri
jabru: More cowbell
jabru: Todd makes a friend
jabru: Moooooo
jabru: Cowbell concert
jabru: Capri-Sonne! It's in German! Ha ha!
jabru: Picking up some trash, making Switzerland more beautiful