jabru: Who really needs a bath and likes hummus?? This guy!! This makes me especially happy because I made it myself yesterday. #momlevelup #babyledweaning #6months #almost7 !
jabru: Visiting dad at work! #importantmeeting #designystuff #6months
jabru: Overalls. Duck hat. Stroller. This kid has it all. #6months
jabru: Playing the tiniest air guitar... Also, his hair is getting out of control. #6months
jabru: Practicing big-kid cup drinking skills! First step is trying to chew on the rim. #6months
jabru: Calvin woke up from his nap just in time to see the GWG by the Caps! #WinterClassic #FutureCapsFan ? #6months
jabru: Lunch date with Sophie. Third try with sweet potato. I think he actually got a little in his mouth today! #6months #babyledweaning
jabru: Baby Led Weaning, are we doing it right? Trying out his new Tripp Trapp chair! [spoiler alert: he loves it]
jabru: For his 5 month birthday we had a 4 hour flight, and now for his 6 month birthday, a 3 1/2 hour car ride. Sorry buddy! I promise we won't travel on your actual (1 year) birthday! #6months
jabru: Our stockings, made by my Mom!
jabru: And now it's naptime! Naps: the greatest Christmad gift of all. #5months #almost6
jabru: After staying up late waiting for Santa, Calvin gave us a 4.5 hour stretch of sleep for the first time in weeks! #merrychristmas !!
jabru: Channelling Mr. Watterson's Calvin today #5months #calvinandhobbes
jabru: Oh my glob, you guys! #lsp #lumpyspaceprincess #adventuretime #graffiti #toomanyhashtags
jabru: On a newborn schedule tonight. [ 9:30 ~ 12:30 ~ 1:30 ~ 3:00 ] #5months #forgothowtosleep
jabru: Hanging out with Papa in the bookstore! #5months
jabru: Business Catual, bow ties for cats. #portland #portlandia #craftywonderland
jabru: I guess it might be time to drop the crib down a couple notches pretty soon... #5months
jabru: "Hey guys, so I've thought about it, and I think tonight I'm going to go to sleep at a reasonable hour and only wake you up a couple of times before morning. Sound good?" #yeathanks #5months
jabru: Picking out our Christmas tree on Sunday in Montavilla!
jabru: More from Mt. Tabor yesterday
jabru: Went for a little walk around Mt. Tabor today. We thought it'd be warmer today but the wind was pretty cold! We survived though, and Calvin took a nap (eventually).
jabru: Daaaate niiiight #bestpizza #leftovers
jabru: This guy slept almost the entire flight home! Had a great visit and a nice Thanksgiving, but happy to be home, too.
jabru: Ice skating at Potter Marsh today!
jabru: Happy five month birthday, Calvin! Let's spend it on an airplane!
jabru: Heading to Alaska this morning!
jabru: Calvin will be 5 months old tomorrow. Our mini crib is looking extra-mini lately. #5months
jabru: The sweet glow of Calvin's fuzzy duck hair at 5 in the morning #4months #almost5
jabru: So this is a thing on the interwebs these days: #babymugging