jabru: Something about sunglasses after sunset
jabru: It's so hip hop it hurts James
jabru: Sam's submission to the Thoughtful Guy Calendar
jabru: Steve James, submission for the Thoughtful Guy Calendar
jabru: Jeff's submission to the Thoughtful Guy Calendar? Uh...
jabru: Oh we're having fun !
jabru: Sophisticated
jabru: James AGH!
jabru: Time for party time!
jabru: At least try to act happy for them, Jeff
jabru: Now is the time that we dance
jabru: D and me
jabru: IMG_5082
jabru: First dance
jabru: IMG_5053
jabru: Toast!
jabru: IMG_5011
jabru: IMG_5003
jabru: Back in black!
jabru: Survived the photo shoot
jabru: Jeff, still standing
jabru: Where's Sam?
jabru: Mai & Christine join the photo party
jabru: The serious photo
jabru: IMG_4988
jabru: Hey let's make peace signs
jabru: IMG_4982
jabru: IMG_4980
jabru: IMG_4976
jabru: IMG_4975