jabru: Katelyn visited me and got to watch a hockey game and me drinking beer
jabru: Guy waving his shirt and losing his humility
jabru: Tore telling me I have to work that weekend
jabru: "You don't mind right?"
jabru: Reach for coupons!!
jabru: Everyone wants coupons!
jabru: Kids want coupons!
jabru: Jesse & Todd
jabru: Jesse & Todd
jabru: Dash for Cash, Where are Your Hands! They are right here!
jabru: Dash for Cash
jabru: Dash for Cash
jabru: Dash for Cash
jabru: Dash for Cash
jabru: Sam & Jesse, looking at hockey playing!
jabru: Jesse has a better camera
jabru: Unbelievable action!
jabru: Look what hockey makes people do!
jabru: Can you believe it?
jabru: I can't believe it!
jabru: Me & Todd, this one's not as funny and so doesn't warrant a funny title
jabru: Qua(c)kenbush
jabru: Winterhawks goalie
jabru: Oh my god, hockey!
jabru: Pretty good seats
jabru: HAWKey town, lol!
jabru: IMG_6472
jabru: IMG_6471
jabru: Jesse & Todd
jabru: beer + hockey = awesome birthday