jabru: Toby
jabru: Da bird
jabru: ... his favorite toy
jabru: It's.... Toby
jabru: Toby in a calm moment
jabru: Let me out!!!!
jabru: POUNCE
jabru: Toby Kitty
jabru: Lazy day... watching House on DVD
jabru: Blurry kitty
jabru: Cat stack
jabru: Cat stack
jabru: Cat stack
jabru: Cat stack
jabru: Only thing to do is sleep
jabru: Just can't get comfortable...
jabru: Freakin' hot in here
jabru: Little punk!
jabru: The greatest expression ever
jabru: Have you ever seen a cat PANT?
jabru: This is the life
jabru: Toby likes the sun too!
jabru: Toby in the back yard
jabru: A skinnier cat would've fallen right through
jabru: His gut kept hanging through the slats
jabru: Toby up in the trellace
jabru: Almost got a crow
jabru: Sunday...
jabru: Toby in the trellis
jabru: lazy playing