Jabinya: From before #painting
Jabinya: Laying on hands #painting
Jabinya: May we live in interesting times. #pluto
Jabinya: Local #art
Jabinya: I tore down the weight storage shelves I built two weeks ago so I could put the old couch in the garage studio.
Jabinya: Inconspicuously aloof #Caturday
Jabinya: Wood tea brewing - 1st coat (upper left- pre 1962 pennies & steel wool, upper right - yellow acrylic paint & steel wool, bottom left - red acrylic paint & steel wool, bottom right - orange acrylic paint & steel wool) 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and
Jabinya: July 11, 2015 3:38 pm EST
Jabinya: Setting up the #gopro
Jabinya: Getting ready to brew some wood aging stain and finally after 5 years of living here I'm going to hang some paintings on the wall.
Jabinya: I promise not to paint on my new couch #fingerscrossed
Jabinya: Angry evening
Jabinya: Another from the past #painting
Jabinya: From the past #painting
Jabinya: Finished the table saw fence today. Managed to get square on the table and blade horizontal and vertical.
Jabinya: Push sticks inspired by Matthias Wandel's design
Jabinya: Trying to convey everything that is going on my creative life in still photographs is fun but at times too limiting. I have a lot more to say and a lot more to share. So I am seriously considering starting a YouTube vlog. Because I need just one more thin
Jabinya: In the process of engineering and building a table saw #woodworking
Jabinya: Florescent MDF #painting
Jabinya: Happy 4th! #4thofjuly
Jabinya: Left side done. #studio
Jabinya: Working on a possible Aframe inspired by Derek Diedricksen
Jabinya: Conspicuous consumption of cumulus clouds
Jabinya: Surprise pumpkin patch is growing very rapidly
Jabinya: Weekend checklist #working
Jabinya: Framed with mahogany #painting
Jabinya: Under full spectrum #painting
Jabinya: Under darkness #painting
Jabinya: Under UV #painting
Jabinya: Good morning!! #goodmorning