Jaber alAzmeh: another family being #displaced back in 1998 the new man-made lake expected to submerge their home, land and crops within a few days… the father, a big man thought we where government people and that we can help, he spoke of their tragedy and cried ! the
Jaber alAzmeh: through the remains of his cousins house… Ahmad observes the new dam water slowly drowning his village #mamiyarb67 #fuji #provia 100f #euphrates #raqqah #syria
Jaber alAzmeh: الملحمة
Jaber alAzmeh: فرحة الساحة
Jaber alAzmeh: جنة جنة جنة
Jaber alAzmeh: rising once again...النهوض مرة أخرى
Jaber alAzmeh: Homs - alKaldieh - 27-12-2011 - حمص - الخالدية
Jaber alAzmeh: Physician's Oath...(to the soul of Ibrahim Othman) ( عهد أبقراط...( إلى روح إبراهيم عثمان
Jaber alAzmeh: إضراب الكرامة
Jaber alAzmeh: the creation of freedom خلق الحرية
Jaber alAzmeh: Justice, dignity and freedom
Jaber alAzmeh: ... واحد واحد واحد
Jaber alAzmeh: about a young man called "Kashoosh" عن شاب يدعى القاشوش
Jaber alAzmeh: the people الشعب
Jaber alAzmeh: tsunami تسونامي
Jaber alAzmeh: الأقبية dungeons
Jaber alAzmeh: wounds جراح
Jaber alAzmeh: Jabaadeen
Jaber alAzmeh: Jabaadeen
Jaber alAzmeh: Nirvana
Jaber alAzmeh: 57 columns, 3 cables
Jaber alAzmeh: captives
Jaber alAzmeh: ريف دمشق ١٢/٢٠١٠ Damascus country side
Jaber alAzmeh: ريف دمشق ١٢/٢٠١٠ Damascus country side
Jaber alAzmeh: ريف دمشق ١٢/٢٠١٠ Damascus country side
Jaber alAzmeh: حبل غسيل ١
Jaber alAzmeh: حبل غسيل ٢