reurinkjan: Panam county landscape, Tibet 2024
emvri85: Manchot papou #1 [ Cuverville Island ~ Péninsule antarctique ]
Beatrix MK: Historic Point Reyes Lifeboat Station
beluga 7: Souvenir de Prague /Memories of Prague
.^.Blanksy: away from it all
bobmullen777: SnowGeeseFlock5 2-16-2020_01
waewduan4: Goodbye 2023 !!!!!!!!! (Explored # 70 , Dec.29, 2023)
hendrickx karel: DSCF5624 Gewone doodgraver (Nicrophorus vespilloides)
hendrickx karel: DSCF7472 Mandarijneend (Aix galericulata)
Marc ALMECIJA: Alerte !
Steve Arena: Hudsonian Whimbrel (Numenius hudsonicus) [Explored]
Markus Preiser: Waldkauz // Tawny owl
Markus Preiser: Zauneidechse // Sand lizard
Markus Preiser: Haubentaucher mit Jungen // Great crested grebe with chicks
Markus Preiser: Turmfalke im Flug // Kestrel in flight
Markus Preiser: Eichhörnchen // Squirrel
Raul Villalon: Walking among giants
Chechi Pe: Lechucita Vizcachera
MelRoseJ: Graceful White-faced Ibis
carlr1312: Great White Egret
Brunswick Forge: 2022.09.12.4527.Z7II Vulturine Guinea Fowl
Brunswick Forge: 2024.02.26.5360.Z8 Curious Doe
Brunswick Forge: 2023.04.28.7313.Z7II Roseate Spoonbill
David Renwald: Rivoli's Hummingbird
Kirk Stauffer: Red Squirrel
seenbynick: shaggy ink cap fungi
seenbynick: Great-tit in the bush
peterspencer49: Mandarin Duck (M)
dragonflydreams88: barred owl (Strix varia) . . .