j0mammma: monorail.needle.emp combo
j0mammma: 3 out of 4
j0mammma: busted!
j0mammma: i feel like there's a million stories to make up here.
j0mammma: shh....kev has his collar up =)
j0mammma: i loved our tour guide. she rocked!
j0mammma: just...maybe baby
j0mammma: that's what we looked like!
j0mammma: gasworks
j0mammma: gasworks
j0mammma: i always wanted to know where it goes into the water...
j0mammma: ah...the utilikilt. i tried to inform kev on the utilikilt...
j0mammma: mojo!
j0mammma: that's us!!
j0mammma: 9:30am and it was still full! i thought we were the only early tourists...
j0mammma: hallway project: before
j0mammma: contagious smile
j0mammma: he's doing the tongue-nose trick too.
j0mammma: fetch
j0mammma: you're going to help them.......how?
j0mammma: aileen you're always on the phone =)
j0mammma: std kerry park picture!
j0mammma: mine's prettier
j0mammma: tea ceremony
j0mammma: his new friend