j0mammma: aunt mary's cafe
j0mammma: curious arts & crafts
j0mammma: using your head
j0mammma: gathering wood
j0mammma: donkeys were crossing the street. we got brave and rolled down the window to say hi. then one stopped and looked at us.....our fear kicked in and we sped off
j0mammma: sharing the road
j0mammma: donkey crossing
j0mammma: orange stands
j0mammma: goats crossing
j0mammma: cow crossing
j0mammma: baboons on the side of the freeway
j0mammma: minneapolis airport
j0mammma: minneapolis airport
j0mammma: mickey D's @ amsterdam airport!
j0mammma: mickey D's @ amsterdam airport!
j0mammma: mickey D's @ amsterdam airport!
j0mammma: mickey D's @ amsterdam airport!
j0mammma: mickey D's @ amsterdam airport!
j0mammma: amsterdam airport