efsb: Jonathan Richman Sheffield Leadmill
Hendrix College: Entzminger and Elvis for Christmas
Olascary: Breadbox synth
gunterhausfrau: birdfoot
eenie816: elvis art
Resist Instrument Works: 5 String Frying Pan Banjo with Hub Cap Resonator
fcd72: Shruthi XT Inside
cosmiclab: Moog III owned by Isao Tomita
Greg Francke: e_helm_01
stretta: 1512 and 512 and arc4
DCLXVI - Oakland: The Snail
ThisguycalledLenny: The Behemoth
Nick Howes: Near-To-Hadley
feurig: arduino_cult_induction_aug_2010
Frankie Roberto: 'Flexible Friend' LED lamp