J040 F1l1p3: wild~~~~~~~~~life@Bucelas
J040 F1l1p3: deadend@cinema
J040 F1l1p3: amazing graffiti, the best I've ever seen
J040 F1l1p3: it all depends on your point of view
J040 F1l1p3: Torre dos Clérigos - Oporto (mini) tower
J040 F1l1p3: priceless advice
J040 F1l1p3: the pigeon thief
J040 F1l1p3: Joker: «If you’re good at something, never do it for free»
J040 F1l1p3: the best portuguese crafts
J040 F1l1p3: if you go this way your neck will suffer the consequences
J040 F1l1p3: until death do us part
J040 F1l1p3: Martin Lee Gore and Dave Gahan
J040 F1l1p3: Editors live
J040 F1l1p3: Diiv with me :)
J040 F1l1p3: A stage just for me :D
J040 F1l1p3: I believe I can see the future, cause everyday's the same routine
J040 F1l1p3: "good stuff" sandwich
J040 F1l1p3: @reader's paradise
J040 F1l1p3: Pessoa
J040 F1l1p3: I saw an UfO
J040 F1l1p3: Running@lisbon :)
J040 F1l1p3: #3 Warhol@Lisbon, Andy
J040 F1l1p3: Super cool 3l3v4t0r - with an lcd on the floor
J040 F1l1p3: the boy is allergic to pollen
J040 F1l1p3: #2 Warhol@Lisbon - the criminal always returns to the crime scene
J040 F1l1p3: how about some sex in these elevators?
J040 F1l1p3: there's always a light at the end of a tunnel :)