j-ster: Family pics for posterity
j-ster: What are you doing with that thing?
j-ster: Again!
j-ster: Again!
j-ster: Again!
j-ster: Again!
j-ster: Again!
j-ster: Again!
j-ster: Max and Uncle James
j-ster: Working on the family portraits
j-ster: Down the slide
j-ster: slides
j-ster: hiding!
j-ster: the thrill of hiding!
j-ster: grizzle bum
j-ster: kiss kiss
j-ster: kiss kiss
j-ster: at least there is one gorgeous smile here
j-ster: what are you doing with that thing?
j-ster: kiss kiss
j-ster: kiss kiss
j-ster: kiss kiss
j-ster: Max in da house!
j-ster: Max is in da house!
j-ster: desert scene brewed in Percolator
j-ster: propellor sun brewed in Percolator
j-ster: propeller sun
j-ster: beetle designs
j-ster: valentine's day rock loves you
j-ster: yellow