prince470701: 合歡山 - 合歡星跡 - Stars orbits on the HeHuan Mountain
birdtracker: Red Grouse
Hengki Koentjoro: Tulamben - Bali
Alan Wennington: Peeking through the heather
Martine.liu: IMG_0465-S
Alan Wennington: Litte Red and the hazelnut
Ben Locke.: Kingfisher
MOZBOZ1: Fox cub
maggiecampbell820: Hare in corn field_DSC4049
Alan Wennington: Red Squirrel in the heather
TheApertureMan: Boathouse, Lake District
Foxley65: Kingfisher
woodpigeon23: Silverback Gorilla
norfolk jem..: Tawny Owl
PANDOOZY PHOTOS: Falcated Duck- Anas falcata Mating.
RodrigoPB: Libélula vermelha
Eleanor (No multiple invites please): "Do you like my hairstyle?"
johnrm2013: Treecreeper ( Certhia familiaris )
deslloyd19: _DSC1505.jpg
deslloyd19: _DSC1502.jpg