MindfulMoments: 20250110-House Finch on Railing
MindfulMoments: 20250116-Cardinal Profile
MindfulMoments: Cooper's Hawk - January Morning
MindfulMoments: Cooper's Hawk - January Morning
MindfulMoments: 20250106-Carolina Wren in Snow
MindfulMoments: 20230521-IMG_3415
MindfulMoments: 20230521-IMG_3627
MindfulMoments: Wren on Branch in Rain
MindfulMoments: Male Cardinal with Crest Down
The tamed shrew: ap experimental
Matthew Dartford: Horsford Woods 24/01/2017
leesure: ADKS 2021
San Diego Shooter: Shark Attack
leesure: Adirondack Sunrise
Erwin Ebermann: Why the game of checkers is far more popular in Africa than chess
leesure: Jillian
leesure: Jillian
leesure: Morning Paddle
Queenie-v: Dog waiting
GK1.1: Musical Box
Dustin Graffa: Male Cardinal
Dustin Graffa: Red Bellied Woodpecker
Dustin Graffa: Nuthatch
Dustin Graffa: Northern Flicker
nixter: One good thing about daylight savings time is getting to see great sunrises that I usually miss because I am not up that early.
nixter: This Way
nixter: Sunflower at Sunset