Izakigur: Another one from Grimsel wonderland area. Canton of Bern. Switzerland.Izakigur 27.08.09, 15:18:36 . No. 2.
Izakigur: Amsterdam July 13, 2007. No.479.
Izakigur: Souvenirs from Amsterdam.Flip-Flops slippers . No. 453.
Izakigur: Holland Amsterdam 2007. 07/14/2007 no.104
Izakigur: The Schwarzegletscher near the schwarztour (3731 m h ) and Pollux (4082 m h ). No. 49.
Izakigur: Switzerland The Fieschergletscher Area. July 25, 2011 . 13:14:03 . no. 255.
Izakigur: Mattmark (Saas Fee ). 31 Juillet ,2010. No. 78.
Izakigur: Walking back from Monte Moro Pass(2853 alt.). July 31, 2010. No. 122.
Izakigur: "Draw me a sheep" Image was taken in Switzerland ; Saas Almagell above Stausee Matmark , Augost 10,2011.12:24:46. no.77.
Izakigur: Monte Moro Pass (2853m) & The Monte Rosa (4634m) .Switzerland, Italy. no.170.
Izakigur: Zurich Street Parade 2009 Smile...!
Izakigur: Grimsel Panorama no. 2. Canton of Bern. Switzerland.Izakigur no. 59+ no. 62. 27.08.09,13:19:40 , 13:20:02 .
Izakigur: Swiss Winter Time. La Vallée de Joux. December 20. 2007.16:24:25.
Izakigur: La Chaux-de-Fonds. February 18,2009 .16:09:58.
Izakigur: Holland : Zaanse Schans 07 2007. When one door closes another door opens....
Izakigur: Bulle , Canton of Fribourg. May 7, 2010. No. 56.
Izakigur: Here comes the light, Swiss autumn time, Combe Grède. Canton of Bern. Switzerland. No. 392.
Izakigur: Vondelpark's happiness Summer 2007. no.170.
Izakigur: Vondelpark's happiness . Amsterdam at Summer 2007. no.177
Izakigur: Souvenirs from Amsterdam. (60)
Izakigur: Under Amsterdam's skies.July 13, 2007. No. 390 .
Izakigur: Amsterdam Main station in morning time. July 13, 2007. No. 224.
Izakigur: The Klein Schidegg. Canton Of Bern , Switzerland. No. 35.
Izakigur: Amsterdam, July 13,2007. no.429.
Izakigur: Switzerland / The Cabane of Grand Mountet (2886m) . July 28,2010. no. 297.
Izakigur: Winter Twilight time, Jura mountains. La Chaux-de-Fonds. No. 116.