Izakigur: - Swiss summer-time . Chasseral July 9,2005-) Thank you dear ITALA!!!
Izakigur: Swiss Autumn Time . The see of clouds taken from the Hôtel of Chasseral. Fix You No. 1119.
Izakigur: Swiss Autumn time;Jura Mountains . The Hotel of the Chasseral above the see of the clouds. (The Chasseral : 1607m)
Izakigur: Switzerland. Chasseral Pass,Canton of Berne. September 20,2011. 15:38:55.
Izakigur: I am taking pictures to remember . No. 453.
Izakigur: Summer time , cows bells ... My Switzerland. No. 8330.
Izakigur: Swiss Autumn time, Chemin des Crêtes du Jura , the Chasseral . Canton Of Bern. Switzerland.izakigur no. 153 B 10.10.10, 16:44:42.
Izakigur: Swiss summer time, La Metairie du Neuf Chalet. Canton of Bern, The Chasseral. No. 461.
Izakigur: Sweet spring twilight time at the Hotel of the Chasseral , Canton of Bern (Switzerland.) Izakigur 02.06.18, 17:36:15 No. 9165.
Izakigur: In the fog, Swiss autumn time, Combe Grède. Canton of Bern. Switzerland. No. 339.
Izakigur: Swiss Automn Time : A view from The Chasseral.(1607m) Canton of Bern, Switzerland. izakigur October 11, 2011. 13:31:36 no.1
Izakigur: In the fog, Swiss autumn time, Combe Grède. Canton of Berne . Switzerland. No. 367.
Izakigur: Hear comes the light.Autumn light in Combe Grède, on the way to The Chasseral. Canton of Bern, Switzerland. Izakigur . 22.10.11, 11:30:14 . No. 64.
Izakigur: Here comes the light, Swiss autumn time, Combe Grède. Canton of Bern. Switzerland. No. 392.
Izakigur: Autumn light…Combe Grède,Canton of Berne,on the way to the Chasseral. Switzerland.
Izakigur: Autumn light…Combe Grède,Canton of Berne,on the way to the Chasseral.
Izakigur: Cotton thistle,Chardon aux ânes. Artichaut Sauvage, Onoporde Acanthe . Taken In Combe Grade / Chasseral. July 17, 2013.No. 523.
Izakigur: Autumn light in Combe Grède, on the way to The Chasseral. No. 183.
Izakigur: Champs de coquelicots ,Parc régional Chasseral, La Combe-Grède . Papaver rhoeas in the jurassic parc of the Chasseral. Switzerland. No. 762.
Izakigur: Turks Cap Lily.Lilum Martagon. Lis Martagon. No.62.
Izakigur: Lilum Martagon. Lis Martagon. No. 671.
Izakigur: Benoîte des montagnes. HDR226151739
Izakigur: Swiss summer time, La Metairie du Neuf Chalet. Canton of Bern, The Chasseral. No. 486.
Izakigur: Swiss summer time, La Metairie du Neuf Chalets. Canton of Bern, The Chasseral. Switzerland.No. 471.
Izakigur: Free. The Chasseral Pass , Canton of Bern. Fix You. No. DSC_4755-2.
Izakigur: Nuage de tempête estivale sur La Combe Grède et Le Chasseral , Jura mountains, Canton of Bern , Switzerland No. 76.
Izakigur: Ready to fly ; Chasseral izakigur 8 07 2017 no. 41 .
Izakigur: Swiss winter Paradise ; La Vue des Alps , Canton of Neuchatel. No. 3195.
Izakigur: Skiing above the clouds , Jura mountains at winter time .Descente du Chasseral à ski. L'hiver dans les montagnes du Jura. No. 421.
Izakigur: The sea of clouds ,and the Jura mountains at winter time. Taken from the Chasseral. La mer de brouillard en hiver, vue depuis le Chasseral. THe Alps &The Jura mountains. No. 416.