Izakigur: Cows on The summit of the Suchet ,(1588 alt ). June 22,2013. No.5732.
Izakigur: Cows on The summit of the Suchet ,(1588 alt ). June 22,2013. No.5740.
Izakigur: Cow on the summit of the Suchet. Switzerland . No. 5744.
Izakigur: Cows on the summit of the Suchet. Canton of Vaud. Switzerland. No. 57416.
Izakigur: Cows on The summit of the Suchet (1588 alt ) above Yverdon-les-Bains (Alt 435m) . June 22,2013. No. 57136.
Izakigur: Lac de Neuchatel depuis Le Suchet. No. 5720.
Izakigur: Cows on the summit of the Suchet. Canton of Vaud. Switzerland. No. 5745.