Izakigur: Tierra Madre - Centovalli. Images for my sister(175)... Switzerland /Italy Octobre 27 ,2009.
Izakigur: Locarno Switzerland October 28,2009 Morning , autumn time .39
Izakigur: Images for my sister ... Sometimes in the winter you can see light...
Izakigur: Switzerland, The Aletsch area-June1, 2009; The snow is melting... (215)
Izakigur: A lonely bench in winter time. Un Banc solitaire en hiver au bord de la Thielle. December 14, 2012. No. 1713.
Izakigur: Les Rochers des Tablettes and the Alps ; Sunset of 12 12 12 .No 1631.
Izakigur: La Chaux-de-Fonds in Autumn Time. No. 61.
Izakigur: Swiss summer time. A view from The Chasseron. (1,607 malt.) .No,6089.
Izakigur: Lugano, Parco Civico. Switzerland. Octobre 27,2010.No. 359.
Izakigur: Switzerland France Le Doubs -Biaufond . Le Doubs, frontière naturelle franco - suisse à Biaufond .
Izakigur: La Chaux-de-fonds in the end of the winter. The city in the Jura mountains- Vue de La Chaux-de-Fonds au mois de mars /Jura Suisse
Izakigur: La Chaux-de-Fonds Canton de Neuchâtel, Switzerland.March 15, 2009.No. 59.
Izakigur: Do you remember in November .....? 3
Izakigur: Holland international ...no.222
Izakigur: Swiss Winter Time in Mont Cornu La Chaux-de-Fonds.February 26,2009. no.70+71.
Izakigur: I am on the way...to Grand Saint-Bernard
Izakigur: Swiss summer time (5)
Izakigur: The Finstaarhorn (4274m) covered with clouds. August 27, 2009 No. 211.
Izakigur: Switzerland, a view to the Jungfrau mountain(4158m) the Gletscherhorn (3983m) the Abeni Flue mountain (3863m) and The Rottal .
Izakigur: Lac de Neuchâtel at twilight time. Canton de Neuchâtel , Switzerland. March 30,2011. no.655.
Izakigur: "Its the time that you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important..." Ch.21..."
Izakigur: Switzerland Grimsel-Pass .August 20,2009.No, 97.
Izakigur: Switzerland Jully 17,2009 Binnntal (109 ).
Izakigur: Walking up to Schilthorn looking at the Jungfrau /Eiger / Mönch mountains. October 7,2009. no.6123
Izakigur: Monte Rosa (4634m) / a view from The Monte Moro Passe (2853m) Italy / Switzerland . August 11,2011. 07:41:23 A. M. no.161.
Izakigur: Walking up to Schilthorn from Murren. Looking to The Jungfrau and the Gletscherhorn mountains .Canton of Bern. Switzerland.Izakigur No. 6121,
Izakigur: Old Basel in autumn time.October 26, 2013. No. 1914.
Izakigur: Swiss Summer Sunset. Taken from the train to Lausanne .August 9,2011. No. 34.
Izakigur: Rosengarten. Bern.June 23,2012.No.1501.
Izakigur: The Lötschen Pass in summer time . Ships on the snow.Canton de Valais , Switzerland. June 28, 2009. No. 77.