Izakigur: Les Rochers de Tablettes and the Alpes, Canton of Neuchâtel. in 12 12 12 .No. 1628 a.
Izakigur: 12 12 12 No. 1680." Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." Winston Churchill.
Izakigur: Les Rochers de Tablettes and the Alpes,sunset of 12 12 12 .No 1628.
Izakigur: Allons voir un Coucher de Soleil à Auvernier. Canton de Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Izakigur 15.10.18, 18:45:24 .
Izakigur: Gorges de l'Areuse . Canton de Neuchatel ,Switzerland.May12, 2013. No. 4838.
Izakigur: Automne à La Chaux-de-Fonds. Un Banc Solitaire. Le Parc des Crétêts . Canton Of Neuchatel, Switzerland. No. 314..314 B
Izakigur: "Allons voir un coucher de soleil...I am very fond of sunsets. Come, let us go look at a sunset..." Chapter VI. Le Petit Prince. November 6, 2015. HDR 2.
Izakigur: "Allons voir un coucher de soleil...I am very fond of sunsets. Come, let us go look at a sunset..." Chapter VI. Le Petit Prince.izakigur No. 2200.06.11.15, 18:03:35
Izakigur: "Allons voir un coucher de soleil...I am very fond of sunsets. Come, let us go look at a sunset..." Chapter VI. Le Petit Prince.izakigur no. 2164 06.11.15, 17:58:53.
Izakigur: Snowy twilight time on La Chaux-de-Fonds. Canton of Neuchâtel. Switzerland.izakigur 14.11.17, 17:55:47. No. 0959.
Izakigur: Winter's sunset. La Tourne, Canton of Neuchatel, Switzerland. 12 12 12 Panorama no. 1.
Izakigur: I Wish You A Merry Christmas and Happy new year. Je te souhaite Joyeux Noël 2017 et Bonne Année 2018 .08.12.12, 16:42:05. No. 1353.
Izakigur: Winter twilight time . La Chaux-de-Fonds. Canton de Neuchâtel. Switzerland. No. 3714.
Izakigur: Winter twilight time. 12.12.12, 17:33:52 .No. 1689
Izakigur: Les Rochers de Tablettes and the Alpes,no.1628+no.1630.Panorama 12 12 12 no. 26
Izakigur: Panorama 12 12 12 20. No. 1602 +1653+1654. Mont Blanc & Le Creux du Van depuis Les Rochers de Tablettes (Canton of Neuchatel, Switzerland. ) . Winter twilight time.
Izakigur: Panorama 12 12 12 . No. 1649+1654. Mont Blanc & Le Creux du Van depuis Les Rochers de Tablettes (Canton of Neuchatel, Switzerland. )
Izakigur: Winter in Switzerland. No. 3180.
Izakigur: Les Brenets The Doubs river and Villers-le-Lac ,The Swiss - French border . La frontière franco-suisse aux Brenets .
Izakigur: Aube citadine à La Chaux-de-Fonds. Swiss urban sunrise on La Chaux-de-Fonds. No. 4045.
Izakigur: Winter morning time in La Chaux de Fonds. No. 4860.
Izakigur: Aube citadine à La Chaux-de-Fonds. Swiss urban sunrise on La Chaux-de-Fonds. No. 4072.
Izakigur: Amazing grace. Alpine sunset above the sea of clouds. Taken from the swiss Jura , Canton of Neuchatel. No. 1578.
Izakigur: French Swiss border, Vue des Brenets (Ch ) sur la France voisine. paysage franco-suisse. No. 6666.
Izakigur: Winter's sunset. The Thielle between Canton of Neuchatel and Canton of Bern. No. 1216.
Izakigur: Walking on the river , Promenons nous sur la rivière...No. 6836.
Izakigur: Walking on the river , Promenons nous sur la rivière...No. 6826.
Izakigur: My alpine sunset, Mont Blanc and the sea of clouds , Taken in 12 12 12 , lets hope . No. 1608.
Izakigur: Winter landscape , Vue hivernale sur la France depuis Les Brenets (Switzerland, France) . No. 6854.
Izakigur: After the storm , …!