Jacqueline Padilha: IMG_20170513_163734462_HDR
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Shifting Plasma
Fantasyfan.: 20170417_8974c
_cassia_: One Hundred Days of Collage #2
_cassia_: One Hundred Days of Collage #3
grigorios1972: Minimal
Arbórea: Minimal
Vadmun: Minimal
_cassia_: "Lost". Original hand cut collage on an old book page.
astroGatta: strange things
Arlete Reino Pellanda: Let's take a coffee at Center Curitiba!
borges,: Pelas ruas de Curitiba...
cassijones.: Curitiba 23/01/14
marcelo.guerra.fotos: Câmara Municipal de Curitiba
Omar Junior: Parque Tanguá, Curitiba/PR | HDR
laurenmarek: Carra in Industry, TX
ToJoLa: Roos (Rose)