ix 2024: ¡Feliz año nuevo 2022! / Happy new year 2022!
ix 2024: "...llevando un paraíso en su corazón" / "...carrying a paradise in his heart" / "...portant un paradis dans son coeur"
ix 2024: Whoever does not fear death, will or perhaps will not be saved by his poems / Quien no tema a la muerte, será o tal vez no será salvado por sus poemas
ix 2024: "...lo real cunde" / "...the real one spreads"
ix 2024: "Un falso final feliz" / "A fake happy ending" /
ix 2024: "Una calma precaria" / "A precarious calm"
ix 2024: This mortal coil
ix 2024: "Si morimos, moriremos como soles: despidiendo luz" / "If we die, we will die like suns: giving off light"
ix 2024: "El mundo era en verdad muy viejo cuando nosotros éramos jóvenes" / "The world was indeed very old when we were young"
ix 2024: Saber cortar el fruto de cada estación / Knowing how to cut the fruit of each season
ix 2024: "entre olores de pólvora y romero" / "amidst the smells of gunpowder and rosemary"
ix 2024: "...todos los sonidos llegaban en declive y con su espiral cumplida" / "...all the sounds arrived in decline and with their spiral fulfilled."
ix 2024: "Laberintos, retruécanos, emblemas" / "Labyrinths, rhetorics, emblems"
ix 2024: "Robemos el placer mientras dormita la desgracia" / "Let us steal pleasure while misfortune slumbers." / "دعونا نسرق اللذة بينما ينام المحن"
ix 2024: "Silencios vidriados" / "Glazed silences".
ix 2024: "La clara luz en las estrellas puesta" / "The clear light in the stars placed"
ix 2024: "la cólera, la víbora, la púa" / "the rage, the viper, the barb"
ix 2024: "...una sombra prolongada hasta romper su contorno" / "...a shadow prolonged until its outline is broken"
ix 2024: "Porque sé que adonde estuve ni alas, ni ruedas, ni velas llevan" / "For I know that where I have been, neither wings, nor wheels, nor sails do they carry"
ix 2024: "We will not be lovers"
ix 2024: "Este matiz que al cielo desafía" / "This sky-defying shade"
ix 2024: "Un acto de iluminación negativa" / "An act of negative illumination"
ix 2024: "...el polvillo hosco de un desaliento rabioso..." / "...the sullen dust of a raging despondency..."
ix 2024: "La pasión, dicen, es una textura, y es a través de ella que experimentamos la vida" / "Passion, they say, is a texture, and it is through it that we experience life."
ix 2024: Grandeza y menoscabo / Greatness and impairment
ix 2024: "La dádiva dulce" / "The sweet gift"