ix 2024: ATOM Feliz 2017 / Happy 2017
ix 2024: All mine
ix 2024: There is a light...
ix 2024: I exhale / Exhalo
ix 2024: YESSS
ix 2024: A otra cosa... / To the next thing...
ix 2024: Princesa Vallarta
ix 2024: Sandías ByN / B&W Watermelon
ix 2024: Superinfra
ix 2024: Buen viaje / Bon voyage / Have a nice trip
ix 2024: We a family
ix 2024: Cebriforme / Zebriform
ix 2024: "A broken kind of paradise"
ix 2024: Keep yourself alive...
ix 2024: Walk the invisible pet
ix 2024: "Don't Fight It, Feel It..."
ix 2024: Saturación pétrea / Stony Saturation
ix 2024: Declinar con delicadeza / Decline gently
ix 2024: [ █ ]
ix 2024: "It's so hard to be humble..."
ix 2024: "I was a landscape in your dream"
ix 2024: "...las olas de mi vida se alzan y rompen a mi alrededor". / "...the waves of my life rise and break around me"
ix 2024: "...un canto de vidrio molido" / "...a crushed glass singing"
ix 2024: "...sin dejar huellas en la tierra muerta".
ix 2024: The fab four
ix 2024: "now I'm ready to close my mind"
ix 2024: "Nombres embalsamados de pluma" / "Embalmed feather names"
ix 2024: Rocaviva / Livingrock
ix 2024: Una luz que busca encenderse / A light that seeks to turn on
ix 2024: "Todo menos la voz nos habla" / "Everything but the voice speaks to us"