ix 2024: "I think I'm paranoid..."
ix 2024: [ i¡ ]
ix 2024: 1000,000 Views! THANX! / 1000,000 Vistas Gracias!
ix 2024: "Some things can be seen better in the darkness"
ix 2024: Fulgoria
ix 2024: No me hallo
ix 2024: calle magisterio nacional, tlalpan, df, méxico
ix 2024: Supersimmetry
ix 2024: Tragacantos
ix 2024: Edificio Diamante
ix 2024: EX-posed
ix 2024: HER
ix 2024: No Binaria / Non Binary
ix 2024: EXhale
ix 2024: "I have nothing to say, and I'm saying it, and that is poetry"
ix 2024: "Mi sed de amar será como una argolla / empotrada en la losa de una tumba" (seleccionada como banner del grupo A Square GrayScale [monochrome only] A1/P1)
ix 2024: Bajo nuevos cielos / Under new skies
ix 2024: Aquabsentia
ix 2024: "To be kind"
ix 2024: No words / No thoughts
ix 2024: "I am just an echo of an echo of an echo"
ix 2024: Peinar el cielo / To comb the sky
ix 2024: Frontera fugaz / Fleeting border
ix 2024: "Entre la tarde que se obstina y la noche que se acumula..." / "Between the afternoon that insists, and the evening that accumulates itself..."
ix 2024: "Intent"
ix 2024: "Tu nombre corría de boca en boca"