ix 2024: La pura banda
ix 2024: "Woke up this morning"
ix 2024: "Fire walk with me..."
ix 2024: "I know there's gonna be (good times)"
ix 2024: Souless dreamer
ix 2024: "Beautiful burnout"
ix 2024: "Se acoplaron en un gesto intenso y solapado" / "They were coupled in an intense & underhand gesture"
ix 2024: Acid Sonora 2015
ix 2024: Family tree / Árbol familiar
ix 2024: Villahermosa ribereña
ix 2024: Estación Franciso Goitia Xochimilco
ix 2024: "...soy la virginidad del panorama / "I´m the landscape's virginity
ix 2024: Ciudad de México, ángulo suroeste, atardecer
ix 2024: Estrépito, melancolía y jaqueca / crash, melancholy and headache
ix 2024: "No hay nada que enseñar, aunque esté todo por aprender" / Nothing to teach even if everything to learn
ix 2024: "a life worth fighting for"
ix 2024: Escalinata monumento a la Revolución Mexicana
ix 2024: Blandos linderos de inefable tinte / Soft boundaries of ineffable tint
ix 2024: Melaleuca en Cuernavaca norte
ix 2024: Barely
ix 2024: "Un ojo proyectil que cobra alturas" / "A projectile eye that reaches heights"
ix 2024: Mexican winter / Invierno mexicano
ix 2024: "One of these days is none of these days"
ix 2024: "FEVER"
ix 2024: Van Gogh en Sonora
ix 2024: Sonora 10 am
ix 2024: ¡Feliz 2015! / Happy 2015!