ix 2024: \...
ix 2024: "A broken kind of paradise"
ix 2024: "un laberinto de interminables pasos" / "a labyrinth of endless steps"
ix 2024: Bomba de relojería / Clockmaking bomb
ix 2024: "...al viento que lo peina proceloso" / "to the wind that hairs him tempestuous"
ix 2024: ¡Feliz año nuevo 2021! / Happy 2021 new year!
ix 2024: "perder los contornos" / "To loose the boundaries"
ix 2024: "Oímos retrospectivamente cuando hemos comprendido" / "We hear retrospectively when we have understood".
ix 2024: "...en el fondo no estamos tratando de cambiar las cosas. Estamos queriendo florecer..." / "...deep down we are not trying to change things. We are wanting to flourish..."
ix 2024: "Rage, rage against the dying of the light".
ix 2024: "Hacer luz y encontrarte" / "To make light and find you"
ix 2024: Princesa Vallarta
ix 2024: espejo de fuego / fire mirror
ix 2024: Mar sin viento ni cielo / sin olas, desolado = Sea without wind or sky / without waves, desolate
ix 2024: Pausa / Pause / وقفة / 暂停 / ठहराव / 一時停止 / пауза
ix 2024: 1 bird 5 ships
ix 2024: "Allá lejos, todos los barcos anclados, en la tinta de la aurora". / "Far away, all ships at anchor, in the ink of dawn".
ix 2024: "...una sombra prolongada hasta romper su contorno" / "...a shadow prolonged until its outline is broken"
ix 2024: Bajo nuevos cielos / Under new skies
ix 2024: "...that disordered joy, so elusive, of the one who knows he owns the illusory emptiness of death." / "...esa desordenada alegría, tan esquiva, de quien se sabe dueño del ilusorio vacío de la muerte"
ix 2024: "...los escombros de un día malgastado" / "...the debris of a misspent day"
ix 2024: Un poco de día / A little bit of day
ix 2024: Chapultepec, otoño dos mil veintitrés / Chapultepec, autumn two thousand twenty three