ix 2024: Happy new year 2018! / Feliz año nuevo 2018!
ix 2024: "Ésta es la tinta trémula del día" / "This is the tremulous ink of the day"
ix 2024: \|/
ix 2024: "...el efímero pasto de su lumbre" | "...the ephemeral grass of its fire"
ix 2024: "Dádiva inasible" / "Ungraspable gift"
ix 2024: "...al viento que lo peina proceloso" / "to the wind that hairs him tempestuous"
ix 2024: "Hacer luz y encontrarte" / "To make light and find you"
ix 2024: "más fieles a la forma que la piel" / "more true to shape than skin"
ix 2024: Sierra de Ahuatepec, cumbre Cartuchos
ix 2024: "suspiros de acróbata" / "acrobat sighs"
ix 2024: "...en las tinieblas húmedas me recojo" / "...in the damp darkness I gather myself together"
ix 2024: "tiende hacia el viento el oído" / "ear tends towards the wind"
ix 2024: "...lloviznaban gotas de silencio" / "...it was drizzling with drops of silence"
ix 2024: "...y exponer las pupilas, en un minuto fraudulento" / "...and expose the pupils, in a fraudulent minute"
ix 2024: "Ghost song lodged in the throat of a mermaid"
ix 2024: "Tutti sistemati"
ix 2024: Hospital de Jesús
ix 2024: "Perdonen, heridas abiertas"
ix 2024: "Andar así no es andar sino quedarse" / "To walk like this is not to walk but to stay"
ix 2024: "El Hombre de la Cabeza de Follaje Carbónico"
ix 2024: "La resonancia infinita del mundo" / "the infinite resonance of the world"
ix 2024: Reunión / Reunion
ix 2024: "Relámpago de poesía" / "Poetry lightning"
ix 2024: Colores fríos / Cold colours
ix 2024: "Ensueños del crepúsculo" / "Twilight reveries"
ix 2024: quieromarya
ix 2024: "Quien desea y no actúa engendra la pestilencia" / "The one who desires and does not act begets the pestilence"
ix 2024: Signo no lingüístico / Non-linguistic sign
ix 2024: "Agotarás la cifra de los latidos que te han sido fijados..." / "You will exhaust the number of heartbeats that have been set for you..."
ix 2024: Cibeles & ghost building / Cibeles e inmueble fantasma