ix 2024: Violáceo y crujiente / Purplish & crispy
ix 2024: "Space is only noise"
ix 2024: La pura banda
ix 2024: Buen viaje / Bon voyage / Have a nice trip
ix 2024: "...un canto de vidrio molido" / "...a crushed glass singing"
ix 2024: The fab four
ix 2024: "...sin dejar huellas en la tierra muerta".
ix 2024: Saturación pétrea / Stony Saturation
ix 2024: "Ghost song lodged in the throat of a mermaid"
ix 2024: Efecto de porosidad / Porosity effect
ix 2024: "Relámpago de poesía" / "Poetry lightning"
ix 2024: Una luz que busca encenderse / A light that seeks to turn on
ix 2024: Achtung / Atención
ix 2024: "ama granas azules esa luz anagramas" / "loves blue granes that light anagrams"
ix 2024: "El abismo de un presente inmóvil" / "The abyss of an immobile present"
ix 2024: "Andar así no es andar sino quedarse" / "To walk like this is not to walk but to stay"
ix 2024: "Todo menos la voz nos habla" / "Everything but the voice speaks to us"
ix 2024: "Materia convocada y dócil" / "Summoned and docile matter"
ix 2024: "I was a landscape in your dream"
ix 2024: "Una secreta herida..." / "A secret wound..."
ix 2024: I move / To keep things whole
ix 2024: "Voy hacia nunca, hacia ninguna parte" / "I'm going to never, to nowhere"
ix 2024: Grito y color / Scream and color
ix 2024: "Ensueños del crepúsculo" / "Twilight reveries"
ix 2024: "Las vísceras palpitantes del tiempo en movimiento" / "The palpitating viscera of time in motion"
ix 2024: "esa luz sin espinas que acaricia" / "that thornless light that caresses"
ix 2024: "un oleaje de olvido después de la ternura" / "a wave of forgetfulness after tenderness"
ix 2024: "correspondencias, ecos y respuestas" / "correspondences, echoes and responses"
ix 2024: "It's so hard to be humble..."