ix 2024: calle magisterio nacional, tlalpan, df, méxico
ix 2024: EX-posed
ix 2024: Tragacantos
ix 2024: [ i¡ ]
ix 2024: Supersimmetry
ix 2024: "I think I'm paranoid..."
ix 2024: Van Gogh en Sonora
ix 2024: "FEVER"
ix 2024: Barely
ix 2024: Melaleuca en Cuernavaca norte
ix 2024: Blandos linderos de inefable tinte / Soft boundaries of ineffable tint
ix 2024: Escalinata monumento a la Revolución Mexicana
ix 2024: "a life worth fighting for"
ix 2024: "No hay nada que enseñar, aunque esté todo por aprender" / Nothing to teach even if everything to learn
ix 2024: "...soy la virginidad del panorama / "I´m the landscape's virginity
ix 2024: "Slow me down, it´s getting away from me..."
ix 2024: Keep yourself alive...
ix 2024: Walk the invisible pet
ix 2024: Declinar con delicadeza / Decline gently
ix 2024: "...las olas de mi vida se alzan y rompen a mi alrededor". / "...the waves of my life rise and break around me"
ix 2024: "Nombres embalsamados de pluma" / "Embalmed feather names"
ix 2024: Rocaviva / Livingrock
ix 2024: Efecto de porosidad / Porosity effect
ix 2024: "más fieles a la forma que la piel" / "more true to shape than skin"
ix 2024: "tiende hacia el viento el oído" / "ear tends towards the wind"
ix 2024: "Andar así no es andar sino quedarse" / "To walk like this is not to walk but to stay"
ix 2024: "Quien desea y no actúa engendra la pestilencia" / "The one who desires and does not act begets the pestilence"
ix 2024: "Agotarás la cifra de los latidos que te han sido fijados..." / "You will exhaust the number of heartbeats that have been set for you..."