ix 2024: "No hay antídoto..." / "There's no antidote..." On Explore January 24
ix 2024: ¡Feliz 2020! / Happy 2020!
ix 2024: the vicious habit of expecting the improbable / la viciosa costumbre de esperar lo improbable
ix 2024: "Este matiz que al cielo desafía" / "This sky-defying shade"
ix 2024: "I think I'm paranoid..."
ix 2024: Cebriforme / Zebriform
ix 2024: "...llevando un paraíso en su corazón" / "...carrying a paradise in his heart" / "...portant un paradis dans son coeur"
ix 2024: "I feel space"
ix 2024: punto de fuga / vanishing point
ix 2024: Estar y errar / To be & to err