ix 2024: e la nave va... / y la nave va...
ix 2024: pulsating elevator doors
ix 2024: resplandores
ix 2024: lavadoras / washing machines
ix 2024: desandar / retrace
ix 2024: zoomaround!
ix 2024: rocaviva
ix 2024: rocaviva 2
ix 2024: noche en rojo
ix 2024: alguien viene / somebody´s coming
ix 2024: you make the moon unnecesary (to me)
ix 2024: /::/
ix 2024: teques cayendo la noche
ix 2024: ires y venires
ix 2024: take me out tonite...
ix 2024: men at (ligth) work
ix 2024: Catedral + Primo de Verdad (NO WASHINGTON)
ix 2024: working with ligth
ix 2024: defotext
ix 2024: cumple 42 josefo
ix 2024: encantados / bewitched
ix 2024: muelle anochecido
ix 2024: expansividad
ix 2024: instruments
ix 2024: ligeramente editada / slightly edited
ix 2024: Yellow and yellow and yellow
ix 2024: )-(
ix 2024: halotmosphere
ix 2024: fast bridge