ix 2024: running to... / corriendo en pos de...
ix 2024: Mexcaltitlán
ix 2024: 1 paloma / 1 dove
ix 2024: 8 palomas / 8 doves
ix 2024: 1 paloma B / 1 dove B
ix 2024: paloma y cabeza 2
ix 2024: 2 palomas / 2 doves
ix 2024: paloma y cabeza 1
ix 2024: birds / aves
ix 2024: Ensalada / Salad
ix 2024: espejo de fuego / fire mirror
ix 2024: flying around the gold
ix 2024: flaming lips
ix 2024: atardecer montaña ave / sunset mountain bird
ix 2024: ave y marco en pliegues
ix 2024: barquismo 01 (con pelícano planeando) / Boatism 01 (with planning pelican)
ix 2024: winged couple pareja alada
ix 2024: ¨b
ix 2024: manglar en movimiento / moving mangrove
ix 2024: Crónica de un vuelo anunciado / Chronicle of an announced flight
ix 2024: Punk attitude
ix 2024: Us and them (over and over again)
ix 2024: Ave 04 / Bird 04
ix 2024: Ave 01 / Bird 01
ix 2024: Avermosa / Beautibird
ix 2024: Garza posada
ix 2024: ala y pico
ix 2024: learning to fly
ix 2024: grafigarcismo
ix 2024: desayuno en byn / b&w breakfast