ix 2024: reflex
ix 2024: look at you...
ix 2024: digital nature
ix 2024: to be or not to be
ix 2024: allá en la fuente...
ix 2024: matriz de significado
ix 2024: splash! (to Hockney)
ix 2024: sorpresas en mi espejo lateral / surprises on my lateral mirror
ix 2024: ¿novia o cadáver? / girlfriend or corpse?
ix 2024: there is no spoon
ix 2024: cameramirrorcamera
ix 2024: three of us
ix 2024: lateral view
ix 2024: espectro / spectrum
ix 2024: defotext
ix 2024: easter (fake) explore 1-72
ix 2024: krashed
ix 2024: interesting 1-72 Interesantísimas del 1 al 72
ix 2024: cauda especular
ix 2024: Xplore 21
ix 2024: eXplore 19
ix 2024: Klimt at Queens?
ix 2024: 17 xplores
ix 2024: Xplores 16
ix 2024: suspense
ix 2024: Xplores
ix 2024: 11 on explore
ix 2024: ángulos2 / angles2
ix 2024: narcisíndrome
ix 2024: tiras de paisaje