ix 2024: "Hay azules que se caen de morados..." / "There are blues that fall out of purples" / "Es gibt blauen dass von violett runter fallen" (Carlos Pellicer dixit)
ix 2024: /::/
ix 2024: girl at school / niña en la escuela
ix 2024: acelerador de paisajes
ix 2024: Happy 2009!!!
ix 2024: niña con fondo verde / menina com fundo verde / girl with green background
ix 2024: atardecimiento / sunsetting
ix 2024: Mi padre, 83 años / My father, 83 years old
ix 2024: "...cada uno se marcha a los acordes de su propia música" / "...each one leaves to the chords of his own music"
ix 2024: enamórate, no te enamores... / fall in love, don´t fall in love...
ix 2024: sidewalk waiting / espera de banqueta
ix 2024: soft hereafter
ix 2024: misery is a butterfly (...and sometimes also a moth).
ix 2024: Presa del Estudiante, Oaxaca, México
ix 2024: Violencia de género / Gender based violence (gracias A.R.R.E.)!
ix 2024: antenna roof garden
ix 2024: How to get curves
ix 2024: María psicodélica / Psychedelic Maria
ix 2024: metrospeed
ix 2024: "Un caminar de río que avanza, retrocede, da un rodeo
ix 2024: Atónita, en tal trance / bewildered in such peril
ix 2024: óyeme como quien oye llover / listen to me as who listens to the rain
ix 2024: Pausa / Pause / وقفة / 暂停 / ठहराव / 一時停止 / пауза
ix 2024: smile!
ix 2024: María, escurrimientos y celular / María, runoff & mobile
ix 2024: On the glory afternoons in June I need you
ix 2024: Vague recollection
ix 2024: Huautla de Jiménez, Oaxaca, México, 2100 hrs.